
Heal Your Gut | Gut Health Part 2

Heal Your Gut
Gut Health Part 2

Bubble Guts!
That's what we call any type of  "digestive distress" in our house  LOL. But gut health goes WAY beyond bubble guts, an unhealthy gut is at the root of most metabolic and chronic disorders.  Gut dysbiosis and leaky gut are estimated to affect 80% of us Americans!   We simply cannot address long term weight loss, health, and wellness without addressing the health of our guts, aka our small and large intestines and the colonies of bacteria that live in them. 
In the last episode we learned all about what you "gut" actually is and how it works.  If you haven't listened to episode 10 - "Trust Your Gut" go back and do that now.   In this episode we're going to dive in to how our gut gets unhealthy, how chronic disorders start to stem from an unhealthy gut, and what you can start doing now to heal it.   

Full transcription available at the bottom of this post


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Show Notes: 

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Full Transcript: 
Gut health part two. Today we're gonna continue our gut health discussion to prime you for talking about all things nutrition and how your body works in this podcast. If you haven't listened to episode 10, right before this. That was gut health part one. So go back and listen to that first. In this episode, we're gonna talk about how to tell if your gut is healthy, what might be going on if it's not healthy, how it got unhealthy, and what we can do to start to fix it. So let's go.

I get weirdly excited about the idea of getting to talk to you about Guelph, but before I had into it, I want to direct you to terraform dot com. I want you to head there and check out the 12 weeks to weight loss and wellness program. This program is for women who are over it, you are fed up with diets, you are fed up with the lose weight, gain weight, You, you are fed up with this plan and that plan, and this plan and that plan, you wanna just understand how your body works how to stay healthy, how to lose weight, how to keep it off for good. So in this program, you're gonna learn how to set goals, how to retrain your mind, how to achieve Food, Freedom and overcome emotional eating, you're gonna learn how to create new habits and get rid of your bad habits, you're gonna learn how food works, how to use it as fuel and understand how your body works with that food, you're gonna get simple ways to incorporate movement into your life, and you're just gonna get all the no nonsense tips, tricks and tools, workbooks, live coaching every single week, lots of time with me to kinda work through all these things, it's going to be a really comprehensive program that...You never have to have a program. Again, that's My goal for you. This is it, this is the last one.
So if you want any of those things, head to Teramo dot com, just click coaching in the tabs and check it out if you wanna talk about it, if you have any questions, there's a little button you push, you schedule a call with me and we can walk through it. 

Okay, so gut health, part two. We're gonna continue that discussion. My obsession with the importance of gut health started after, as you probably know, my autoimmune diagnosis, and the more I learn, the more I am convinced that it's one of the biggest keys to weight loss and lasting health. So let's do a quick recap of episode one since it was a whole week ago, in episode one, we learn that our digestive system is one of the most important things in our entire body, we actually are more micro than we are human, because there are so many... Microbes that live in our gut, remember at is everything from our mouth to her, but to arenas, but when I'm talking, I'm mostly talking about large intestine, small intestine, that place where most of the food is being digested. Our gut is so important to us that it has its very own nervous system called the enteric nervous system. And that nervous system is connected to our brain through the vagus nerve are good, our intestines, large and small, primarily are sending non-stop signals to our brain.

In fact, our gut influences or controls our immune system, our emotions, our brain functioning, our metabolism, our nutrient absorption or weight and tons more. There isn't a system in the body that is not affected by the health of your gut, like really think about that, that's a big deal, digestive health impacts literally every other physiological system in your body, it Is so important for your overall functioning. So today, we're focusing on how do you know if you have a problem, and then, why do we develop unhealthy guts? And how do we fix them?

So we're gonna play a little game. It's called, you might have a problem if... So you might have a gut health problem if you suffer from any of the following things, chronic fatigue, joint pain, skin issues like eczema, acne, psoriasis, and more autism, mood issues like depression and anxiety, frequent colds and flu, adrenal fatigue, autoimmune disease like thyroid, crowns, etcetera. Food sensitivities, Inflammatory Bowel disorders like crowns, and collitis and IBS, thyroid problems, nutrient mal-absorption and basically any digestive and symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation.

This is not even an exhaustive list, this is just the tip of the iceberg that conditions that you might have that, you might not associate with the health of your gut, but in actuality, are directly related to how healthy our gut is and how well it's functioning. The number one gut problem in America is called gut dysbiosis and leaky gut. So 60 to 70 million Americans are affected by a leaky gut, you guys... That's 80% of us. 80% of us have leaky gut problems. What is that? So dysbiosis is just a fancy way of saying there's an imbalance. So gut dysbiosis is an imbalance between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria, the bad bacteria are winning, the good bacteria are losing, and that imbalance creates what's called leaky gut, and

This is a term you might have heard before, so I'm gonna give you a really clear explanation, so you understand what's going on here.  Leaky gut On the lining of your intestines, so we're talking small intestine and then large and test and remember, it's just like a big hole, it's like a big tub, and That tube has layers in the walls of it for protection, because you wanna keep what's inside your intestines from getting into your body, and that wall of your intestine is very selective about what it allows through in a healthy gut, it's being very choosy about what's getting through that wall, it's only the things that we want in our body... Okay, so here's an example. Take a pair of jeans. If I took a pair of jeans and I tied knots in the knees... I want you to visualize this, I have a pair of jeans, I've tied knots in the knees, and now I'm gonna fill from the waist down full of water, and then I'm gonna tie off the waste, so now I've got these genes full of water. When you are watching this, the water is just sort of seeping slowly out of the genes, the weave of that gene is very tight, and the water can't just leak out, it's just sort of seeping out very slowly, that's the wall of a healthy intestine...Things are seeping out of the intestinal wall very slowly and in a controlled way, now, a leaky gut looks more like a pair of nylon, if I took a pair of islands again, tie them off at the knees, fill it with water from the waste and closed up the way... How is the water coming out of the nylon, it's just gushing out right there

The weave of the nylon is very loose compared to the weave of the genes. Is this making sense? So the water is just gushing out of the nylon, and that's what's happening, and leaky gut, all of these things that are inside of your intestines are leaking out like a SIV through holes in the walls of your intestines. Well, what is it leaking into, it's looking into your body, into your blood stream, and that is causing a whole host of problems that we'll talk about in a sec, but that is in essence what leaky gut is... The lining of my intestine is not intact, the weave is not as tight as it should be because of some kind of damage, and I'll talk about the reasons how that happens, lots of things that aren't supposed to be getting out of my intestines are getting out, things like bacteria and viruses and undigested food and all kinds of cell debris, it's leaking out of my intestine into my body. Does that sound discussing? Imagine your sewer pipe of your house and your sewer pipe, instead of being a really strong concrete pipe that nothing's coming out of, imagine it's just got holes all over it, and now all that sludge that should stay in the pipe is now leaking into your yard.  Okay, that's not what you want, and it's not what you want inside your body either.

The other problem that you will find a lot in people's gut is something called villas atrophy. Okay, so imagine on those walls of your intestines, you're small intestine and your large intestine, you've got all these little villi and build it look like little finger, so if you held your hands up in front of you and you wave your little fingers... That's the villas, the villa are creating a lot of surface area along the inside of your intestines for the right kind of things to be absorbed, so the things that your body is wanting, the glucose and the protein, the amino acids and the facts and the minerals and the vitamins, all the things that your body wants.

It's the villi, those things are landing on the villi and then they're kind of being absorbed into the intestinal wall and then out into your body... If that makes sense. So what happens is, because of this gut dysbiosis, this imbalance of bacteria, bad is winning good as losing the villi flatten out and die.   So imagine it's like a sea anemone with all of its little fingers flying in the water, and then what happens when all those little anemone Villa die? They just go flat. And So now you have an area of your intestine where things are being absorbed, all those nutrients are not being absorbed, now you have malabsorption problems.  So when we talk about the gut and gut issues, or talking about a few things, we're talking about an imbalance of bacteria, we're talking about a leaky gut wall allowing things out of our intestines that shouldn't be... And we're also talking about not absorbing enough nutrients because all those little fingers, we've killed them, they are not absorbing those nutrients the way that they should be.  So those are kind of the three main problems, and they are all related to each other. 

A lot of times, they all happen together, the  Process is, we have this gut dysbiosis, we have this imbalance of bacteria that then leads to leaky gut, and sometimes it also leads to killing the villi, and then because I've got all these things leaking out of my intestines and into my body that aren't supposed to remember bacteria and viruses and undigested food and all kinds of growth stuff, the sludge... The sludge is leaking out of my intestines, when it's not supposed to be, when it gets... When it leaks out and gets into my body... Well.  What does your body do when it has a foreign invader kick is an immune system... Right into gear, right? So that's triggering an immune response, my first immune response always is inflammation.

So what I'm causing in my body is this widespread inflammation situation, inflammation, chronic inflammation is the under-lament of literally every disease process in your body, every disease process in your body can be traced back to a chronic inflammation situation.  So that's why all of those syndromes and symptoms that I mentioned at the beginning that don't seem like they would be related to your gut actually are because all of those issues are related to chronic inflammation and chronic inflammation, and 99% of the time is caused by leaky gut and all of these things entering your body through your intestinal wall that shouldn't be... Yikes, right? It's this whole process.

So a lot of times, you will go to the doctor and you'll get a pill for your symptoms, you're having... You feel depressed, and you go to the doctor and they give you a pill for depression, but what's actually happening is that you have gut dysbiosis, you have them... Any bad bacteria, those bad bacteria are literally talking to your brain and they also are literally not creating the serotonin that your brain needs to keep you happy, so instead of treating what's actually going on, we just gave you a pill and say, Here, try this, but if we actually went down to the root cause and tried to treat the gut, we then are treating everything else higher up in the chain. Does that makes sense? I gotta get to the root. And the root of the disease process is usually the gut, so what are the causes of gut dysbiosis, what are the causes of this imbalance between good and bad bacteria, remember too many bad, not enough good and leaky gut and flattened villi, and then all this other host of diseases. So the top seven causes stress, emotional stress, and physical stress, and I don't mean just like I got scared, like stress response, I mean the chronic stress... 

You know what I'm talking about, this chronic state of stress that we live under, that is messing literally with our chemical imbalance and with our gut imbalance, the other thing that kills good bacteria and feeds bad bacteria, sugar.  Artificial sweeteners absolutely destroy your good bacteria in your gut, absolutely, just kill them off. And then sugar is what the bad bacteria love to eat, so if you're eating sugar and artificial sweeteners, you're killing the good and feeding the bad... That's the opposite of what we wanna do. Also processed foods, so processed foods are just full of chemicals, chemicals that your body doesn't know what to do with chemicals that your body is like... I don't even know where to go with this thing. And So what ends up happening is that all those chemicals are killing off all your good bacteria, if I kill off all the good, well, now I've got more bad than good, so that's not gonna work for us either, talks on exposure, same situation, those toxins are killing off the good bacteria. And leaving the bad, I don't know why they can't kill the bad too, but that's just not how it works, and they leave the bad and they kill the good, and that tax exposure also include substances like alcohol and drugs, but it also includes toxins and food, air water on the products such as putting on your skin, we're exposed to a lot of toxins every single day, just in our daily life.

So reducing that toxin exposure can really help treat that gut dysbiosis.  Smoking smoking kills off all the good bacteria... No shock there, there's really no upside to King exercise, particularly a lack of exercise, and I'm gonna get a little more specific with this later, but lack... There are studies that show how Exercise actually increases the amount of good bacteria in your body, so we'll talk about that in a sec, lack of sleep is killing off your good bacteria, and then those bad ones still are living, all these things are killing your good bacteria, and one of the biggest, biggest culprits for this gut dysbiosis is antibiotics, so I'm not just talking about prescription antibiotics 'cause you got sick, I'm also talking about antibiotics in foods and also things that act like antibiotics in your body, so  Antibiotic, the biotic is the bacteria, the Anti-means I'm against it. So antibiotic means kills bacteria, well, what is my gut full of... What are we talking about this whole time? Bacteria, I don't want my bacteria to die, I need them, I need those good bacteria, so anything that acts like a bacteria killer and antibiotic in my body is not going to bode well for my gut health.

We exposed to antibiotics probably in a lot more ways than you would think  Any kind of mass-produced meat is generally treated with antibiotics, cows, pigs, chickens, they're all treated with antibiotics and those large factory farms. So when you eat those meats, you are being exposed to the antibiotics that were given to those animals, if you're eating any products, so milk and milk products from animals that we're exposed to antibiotics, you are also getting all of those fluoride and coring in your tap water. In your body, act as antibiotics, so I don't know about you, my local water from my tap has both florid and chlorine, and at most does across our country, both of those things are entering MICA and acting as a bacteria killer, which I understand why it's in the water, right? Because they don't want you to drink water with bad bacteria, that would be bad, but also I drink that water and then it's killing the bacteria in me, which is also not good, so you gotta be careful with your water, and there's a lot of ways you can... Filter out chlorine and floor it. That's an episode for another day. We'll talk about that. Don't worry. 

The other thing you gotta be aware of is GMO foods and foods treated with herbicide, especially... I'm sure you've heard of it, glyphosate, aka round. So round up, the company that makes round up, Monsanto used to hold the patent for glyphosate, but they don't anymore. So glyphosate is now in tons of products, glyphosate was originally patented as an antibiotic, so whenever you consume or are exposed to glyphosate, it's acting as an antibiotic in your body, it's killing your gut bacteria.  There are over 300 billion gallons a year used of glyphosate, so you are being exposed when you eat non-GMO foods, that are... When you eat GMO foods, so genetically modified GMO foods are genetically modified so that you can spray round up on them and they won't die, it's literally how they're made... They're made to work together. So any food that is GM-go, so any food that does not specifically say that it's non-GMO has likely been sprayed with glyphosate.

Any food that is not organic, organic foods are not supposed to use chemical herbicides like glyphosate. So any food that's not organic also has very likely been exposed to glyphosate, and not only is it sprayed on the food, but it's also in the food, it's in the soil, it's in the water, it's in the grain that they are feeding to the animals on the factory farm that then you are eating, it's in your yard, you spray it on your weeds, you walk through it, right, it's everywhere where you're being exposed to it, whether you like it or not, all over the place, so you have to start paying attention again to that toxin exposure on your food, in your water, in your yard, in your house, and your air in your products.  All of those things are killing the good microbes in your good... Now, how many of those things every day could be problematic for you. Right. Did you eat sugar? Are you under chronic stress, do you have high toxin exposure than most of us do. Do you smoke? Did you exercise? Did you get good sleep? Were you sick? Did you take a lot of antibiotics as a kid, if you took a lot of antibiotic, 'cause as a kid, you may still not yet have recovered as an adult, there are so many reasons why our guts are unhealthy, how many of those have harmed you just today, right, the bottom line is, we have to work really hard to make sure that our guts are getting healthy and staying healthy, it's sort of an ongoing thing for us, we have to constantly be a little vigilant in thinking about all of these things and don't read as we go, I'm gonna really break down all of those things, all of those talks and exposures and all of those top seven ways that you're killing your gut, I will break them down in a lot more detail, but I just want you to have this really large overview of your body as a whole and how it's working with your environment or not, because you are not just your gut, you are not just your skin, you are not just your heart, you are all these parts combined, and you are all these parts combined in an environment and the environment is where you live, that environment is your relationships, that environment is all the things around you that you're exposed to you every day, so.. I don't wanna discount any of those things. We need to know all that information and take it all together as one big picture of who we are, and then we can understand how we can do a little better for our bets. 

Right. Okay, so Healing your Gut, Healing your Gut really just is about two things, It's about restoring the proper balance of good and bad bacteria, and it also could be about healing those villi, those little fingers along your intestinal while healing them by identifying food intolerance and food allergies, the first thing to do to heal your gut is like the pretty obvious stuff, right? So we're gonna try and reduce stress, we're gonna try and sleep more and get better sleep, we're gonna exercise a little bit more, we're gonna cut back on the sugar, we're gonna cut back on the processed food, we're gonna cut back on the alcohol, we're gonna make sure we stay hydrated and drink lots of water, we're gonna start being aware of and minimizing our toxin exposure, we're gonna try to eat a non-GMO organic grass-fed free range whenever we can... Those are the obvious things. Sometimes the obvious and the most simplest things are the hardest things for us to do for some reason, so I just wanna put all of those things on your radar that in order for you to get healthy, you gotta get the basics down.

So some people will say, Okay, well, if I have gut dysbiosis, if I have a bad balance between too much bad, not enough good bacteria, I'll just start taking probiotics, it easy peasy. Give me a pill. Okay, so most people that's where they turn first and probiotics can help, but they will not make a difference if you're still doing all the other shitty things that are filling your gut, right. You can't be under constant stress, get no sleep, never exercise, eat shitty food, eat tons of sugar and McDonald's every day and have a drink every night, and blah, blah, blah, work in a factory where you're exposed to toxins every... Whatever, you can't do all of those things and then take a probiotic pill and be like, I'm great, that is not... This works. Okay, so probiotics are only going to really, really help if you are willing to address all those other things, at least on some level as well. Am I clear? Okay, haven't been real clear that I'm not a big proponent of taking a pill to fix your problems... Yes.

Yes. We're getting that vibe. Okay.  Good. Okay, so let's talk about probiotics, you might see a lot of advertisements for foods with added probiotics, I like, oh, have this yogurt with extra probiotics in it, whatever it is, those foods are not generally worth it, largely, it's just an advertising campaign because probiotics is a buzzword and they want you to buy their food product, whatever it is, it's still processed food, it's probably high in sugar, it's probably got a bunch of other gross chemicals in it, like artificial flavors and colors. Just because they say, Who added probiotics does not mean it's good for you. Okay, point in fact, Dan in active yogurt, you've probably seen it. There used to be tons of commercials for it, I forget the actress... What's her face anyway, was doing all of... Jamie Lee herds was doing all of the advertisements for Dan and activity... Right. Oh, with probiotics. Oh, I got so healthy, blah, blah, blah. Okay, they were sued for 45 million and lost because they didn't actually have all those added probiotics in their yogurt that they said they had, they got sued for false advertising and they lost because they were false advertising, so that just goes to show in that just because this celebrity is saying that she uses it, and we're saying We have all these probiotics, it's probably not true. Okay, so added probiotics. Big deal. No, I'm really not falling for it. Some foods naturally probiotics in them, like yogurts, if you're choosing a yogurt for probiotic, cools on don't have a dairy thing, a dairy issue, otherwise you're causing other problems when you're choosing a yogurt, look for a good non-GMO organic yogurt. Check the sugar content. Yogurts are notoriously high in sugar, so you gotta make sure that there's not so much sugar or artificial sweeteners, again, or colors or flavors, there's not so much sugars and chemicals, and your yogurt that you're totally counteracting any possible probiotic goodness that could be in there. Okay.

Other natural food sources that have probiotics in the sorcerer, but again, look for the low sugar versions, kombucha is also notoriously high in sugar, so you gotta find the low sugar ones.  Spirulina, chlorella, blue green algae. So I take a greens powder every day that has all three of those in that, plus a ton of other stuff, but a greens powder is a great source actually of natural probiotics because of that spirulina, Corella and blue green algae. Also temp and kimchi, the sour crowd, all of these things that have probiotics are fermented foods, that fermentation process is what creates all those delicious little... Good bacteria, right? You're literally eating live bacteria and you want to... That's a good thing. Like for example, in Japan, they have a fermented or pickled vegetable with every meal, like traditional Japanese food, has a fermented, like Think about it, they got kimchi and ginger and all kinds of stuff, and they typically have less gut problems than someone who eats the western diet because they're constantly eating all these natural probiotics... Pretty cool, right? So you don't have to take a pill, you could just get it from your food when you're choosing a probiotic, they are definitely not all created equal, most... The thing about a probing is that you want all those live little bacteria to actually make it to your intestine, so you have to ask yourself some questions.

A lot of times, those little bugs are dead before they even get to your Quinto, your intestine, so how long is that product been sitting on that grocery store shelf? Should it have been refrigerated? Do I trust this company? Is this a reputable company? Where am I buying this from? I'm like, You need to do a little bit of research on your program... There's a lot of good ones out there. I'll give you some general guidelines. I look for non-dairy probiotics because I just look for things that are generally Allergy free, you wanna look for something like 50 to 100 billion cfcs that's colony-forming units. So a little bacteria colony forming units, 50 to 100 billion, you want a variety of bacteria, so I tend to stay away from probiotics that have maybe just one or two types of bacteria, and I look for ones that have multiple types of bacteria because again, it's not just how many good bacteria you have, it's the variety of good bacteria that you have that you really want to work on and buy your supplements from a trusted company, again, you're looking for the non-GMO, you're looking for no fillers and no extra chemicals.

You wanna buy it from a reputable company? I don't buy supplements from Amazon because there are a lot of fakes on Amazon, sometimes you get the real thing, sometimes you get a total face that looks real, so I don't want you to waste your money, I want you to buy supplements directly from the manufacturer or from your doctor's office, I... By mine, for my doctor's office, it's kept in a Frio where it's been and I know how long she's had it, and so I can really track that and make sure that... That's a good one. Okay, so here some other ways besides probiotics and probiotic foods that you can improve the health of your gut if you eat a diverse diet than you are exposed to different types of bacteria and... So that's really good. You wanna have a lot of variety in your diet, and especially I'm talking about those plant foods, a lot of variety of plant foods, you also wanna think about eating prebiotics, so your good bacteria eat prebiotics, that's what they liked to jump on to keep them healthy, it's their food. So prebiotics are found in things like Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus bananas, oats, apples, Cocoa, flax seed, jicama.  Those are just to name a few. But those are all really good sources of prebiotics, we also wanna think about increasing your fiber.

So fiber helps with that mucosal layer that is aligning the walls of your intestine, so that's one other way that you can keep that till I really happy. And you can keep things moving through at a pace that's good, you don't want things to get stopped up anywhere, and there's two kinds of fiber, they're soluble fiber, so that soluble fiber is helping with that mucosal layer inside your intestines and in your intestinal lining, and then there's the insoluble fiber, and that's the kind that's not getting digested through your small intestine and going all the way into your large intestine, that insoluble fiber is also really helpful because it does feed those good bacteria and it also helps you... Helps keep things moving. It keeps you regular, so that food doesn't stay in one place too long, if you get... You get that kind of ball of food sludge stuck in your intestines for too long, then it starts getting really full of bad bacteria and things are growing there that you don't want... You really want things to move right, and don't want things getting stuck anywhere in my intestines, I wanna keep 'em moving, so fiber is really good for that.
You probably know that one or...

Okay, exercise is another good way to help the health of your gut, this I find so fascinating. So there are several studies that have shown that regular exercise actually increases your body's production of short-chain fatty acids.  So these short-chain fatty acids reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases as well as type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease. So when they did these studies, they found that when they had people exercising, and I believe they were actually saying three times a week for 30 minutes to an hour.  And during the time, I think they have them do it for about six weeks and during those six weeks, they found an increase of the short-chain fatty acids, and as soon as they had them stop exercising, they went right back to how they started... Okay, so here's what's happening, the microbes in your intestines are what's actually creating these short chain fatty acetate are creating them. So exercise is somehow turning on these microbes which are creating more of these short-chain fatty acids, and the short chain fatty acids are reducing my risk of inflammatory diseases, type 2 diabetes, obesity heart disease, as member inflammation is kind of a root cause of all of these diseases, so exercise was turning on the good microbes to fight inflammation. How cool is that, right? So exercise so important, and as soon as you stop exercising, you lose the benefit, it stops working, you have to keep going, you have to keep exercising to keep those microbes turned on. Super cool. 

Okay, another way that you can increase your good microbes and the variety is to get dirty, go outside, go garden, get in the dirt, expose yourself to all of the different microbes, these bacteria live in the dirt, right, that's how they got on your plan is that they're getting in your body, expose yourself to these microbes, get them under your fingers and get them on to your body, and once they're on your body, they can probably get in your body so that you have a really great...Variety of microbes in your gut. Here's a fun one, get a dog. Dogs are dirty, dogs are covered in microbes, so if you want to expose yourself to more microbes to get different variety into your gut, getting a dog is a really good way to do that, another really fun way to expose yourself to a variety of microbes is to travel.

So think of this, I live in Washington State, I can go to the ocean, the rainforest, the mountains, and the high desert, all in my state, and every one of those different locations is going to have a different set of microbes, those microbes are on the food that's grown there, they're in the dirt, they're in the air, and if I go to those places, I am inhaling, eating, consuming, touching all of these different micro-ing, I'm exposing myself to a greater variety, this is why this little sterile world that we live in where all of our hands are sanitized and we've bleached everything and everything is Durham free, that's not good, we need those... We need to be exposed to all these different microbes because we need them in our gut, we need this variety of life in our gut, and so we want to be exposed to all of these things, so travel and imagine if I can go to four different zones in my state and be exposed to totally different microbes, imagine if you start leaving the country and going to different states and going all over the place, right, if you're where you go, just think about how you're getting exposed to all of those great microbes..  Eat the local food. Drink the local water. With caution, I hope that was really helpful. There are so many really easy ways that you can start to improve the health of your gut, but mostly it just boils down to being aware of the ways that you're killing it and changing those.

So I hope that was really helpful. If you have any questions, of course, just hit me up, you can message me, email me, call me, all the things are everywhere, but it's all at Terrapin dot com, and while you're there, check out that 12 weeks to weight loss and wellness program. I think you are going to absolutely love it, as we go, we're gonna do a deeper dive, like I said on some of these things that we talked about today, but I hope this was just a really useful start to understanding how truly important your gut is to your ability to lose weight to keep it off and to stay healthy. So until next time, my friends, Be Well.

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