
Grow Your Health | with Guest Alicia DeVore

Grow Your Health
with Guest Alicia DeVore of
Create My Garden

Full transcription available at the bottom of this post

Reconnect to health through your garden

Are you a gardener?  Gardening has long been held as a successful stress reducer, but did you know that the microbes in the dirt are also good for your gut? AND, food grown in your own garden is more nutritious than food purchased at the store!  

In this episode, I got to sit down and have a conversation with my friend, Alicia DeVore, owner of Create My You'll get to hear a bit of her journey and how she's used gardening to heal from years of health struggles in both she and her kids.  Alicia has used gardening as as a way to improve her physical health, her mental health, and to connect with her kids, connect with herself, and connect with her food.  

Alicia went from being a terrible gardener and killing everything, to now being able to create courses and coaching to help you be a successful gardener, no matter where you live.  I definitely encourage you to go to her website, and check out all of her programs. She's just an absolutely wonderful person and with so much great knowledge to share with you. 

Alicia shares some great tips for creating a garden for yourself and check out her website for TONS of great information.  Make sure you look a the course: Learn to Grow Herbal Tea and Enjoy All Year and use code TARA for a discount!

I hope you're as inspired as I am to ge your hands dirty, get out in the garden, and just start growing stuff! 


PS. If anything in this episode resonated with you, then share the LOVE! Head to iTunes and subscribe and leave a written review or post a screenshot of this episode in your stories and tag me @tarafaulmann 

Important Links:

Want more from Special Guest & Alicia DeVore?! Find her HERE:
Grow Your Own Herbal Tea Course - Use code TARA at checkout for a discount!
Instagram @createmygarden

Related Episodes: 
Episode 19 - How to be Happier

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Show Notes & Transcript: 

Full Transcript: 

Tara Faulmann  00:00
Welcome back, my friends, I have a special treat for you today I got to sit down and have a conversation with my friend, Alicia DeVore, owner of create my You'll get to hear a bit of her journey about how she's used gardening for her physical health and her mental health as a way to connect with her kids connect with herself and connect with her food. through lots of health struggles for herself and her kids. Alicia went from a total gardening, noob and killing everything, to now being able to create courses and coaching to help you be a successful gardener. No matter where you live, I definitely encourage you to go to her website, create my Check out all of her programs. She's just an absolutely wonderful person and with so much great knowledge to share with you. And I am really inspired by her to get my hands dirty, get out in the garden and just start growing stuff. So enjoy this conversation. Enjoy her tips for creating a garden for yourself and check out her website to see all her programs. And while you're listening, listen for a special discount code just for you guys, for her course on growing herbs but not only growing these five specific medicinal herbs, but also how to use them how to make things like teas and tinctures for yourself. So check it out. Enjoy the conversation, let's go

Tara Faulmann  01:34
Welcome back to the no nonsense wellness podcast, the place for women who are trying to do all the things and stay healthy, sane and actually enjoy life in the process. Hey, I'm Tara, a trained therapist, a life coach, a nutrition coach and a fitness instructor. And I bought a mission to help you take back control of your mind health and life. Each week, I'll be cutting through the nonsense and getting real with you. I'll bring you the insight and information you need to take control of your weight and health. Find food freedom. And finally break free from the thoughts that are sabotaging you and holding you back. You, my friend are powerful, and the world needs you to start showing up in a bigger way. It's time to get unstuck and start moving forward. So let's pop in those earbuds, tie up those shoes. Let's walk and talk.

Tara Faulmann  02:44
I'm so excited to have Alicia here with us today on the podcast. Because I love what you're putting out into the world. I love your message. I love the backstory to what you're doing. And I just love you and your heart and your heart to help other people. If you have not checked out Alesia yet, She's the owner of create my Definitely go to the website and check it out. There's a lot to see there and a lot to learn. And at least I feel like you're just such a giver. Like I check out the website. And it's just so chock full of information that you're just giving, giving, giving, giving.

I'd love to be able to give and I think the stepping stones into giving towards gardening, helping people to realize that maybe they can take one step closer to gardening, making it easier for people. That's what I really, really want.

Tara Faulmann  03:35
I love it. And I your focus over there is about gardening for busy people gardening for people who don't know what they're doing gardening for people like me who feel like they kill everything. Getting your kids involved in gardening, actually all things that I would raise my hand for. I love that you cover all the bases. I was

one of each of those people. So knowing that I was the one that killed everything except my kids and knowing that I didn't have any time for gardening and learning how to make special things happen so that I only had to spend 10 minutes in the garden has been the game changer for me. And that's what I would love to share with other people.

Tara Faulmann  04:14
I love it. Why don't Can you tell us a little bit about the concept is like health through gardening. And can you give us the backstory on that? Like, how did where'd this come from?

Well, I was a public school teacher before having kids. And then I got my master's in education taught in junior college. And then I had the privilege of having three miracle babies one by birth that shouldn't have ever happened and two by adoption, and through that journey, I started homeschooling and my oldest is now 20. So this has been 16 years of homeschooling. And I still homeschool my little guy who's 13 with autism. And my kids all had issues eczema, health issues. Here's things that were happening in their immune systems that were just breaking down. And so when I went through the journey with them to get healthy, I started cleaning up my own health and my body and that journey. And when my oldest was 10 years old, he said, Mom, let's start a garden. And I was like, Honey, mommy kills everything. I mean, doesn't kill you. But mommy kills everything green plants died around me. But Hello, looking at this sweet kid, who had fostered and adopted with us. And all he wanted was a garden. I was like, I'm gonna learn how to do this. And so my husband built a couple, four by four beds in our Los Angeles backyard with no room, and we started a garden that died. And that was the beginning of my story.

Tara Faulmann  05:52
The garden that died, but you didn't give up. You kept going, why?

Well, I was like, there must be something happening here. And I had no friends that garden. I had, I mean, you think of 10 years ago, the resource over those really thick books that had, right that have scientific things in it that you just use as a placeholder, or a computer screen table book, because I had a lot of pretty flowers in it. Yeah, exactly. And so I use, I started going to the local nursery, and just taking every workshop they had available. And I just started kind of learning a little bit here and there. And soil health was the first thing that I started getting introduced to so I threw nitrogen out on that soil had no idea what that was at the time. And then I threw seeds, because it was LA and the weather's always pretty mild. And everything took off and grew. It was fascinating. And I was completely hooked. I'm like, okay, I can do this.

Tara Faulmann  06:50
Uh huh. So once you get something growing, that's the kind of the, then you get hooked. I hear that a lot. My husband loves to go out in the garden and garden. i It's never been my forte, because I've ever felt like I was good at it. I have a lot of stories that I'm not good at it. You hear that a lot? Oh, totally.

I think that's what I hear most. And I think that that stopping point is failure, like you don't want to fail again. And then you see other people doing it online or on Instagram, and you're like, I definitely can't do this. I'm good at it. Yeah, I felt like that a lot. And to be able to go out to the garden and say, Okay, if something's going to fail, or if it's going to live, it doesn't mean I'm okay or not, okay. It's a space that I don't have to be perfect. It's more about that,

Tara Faulmann  07:41
because I know use gardening as like a mental health tool and an emotional health tool. Tell us more about that.

Well, the garden became quickly a place where I would look outside in our tiny little backyard, from homeschooling three kids under the age of 10. And my husband working long hours, and we were fostering some other kids at the time, too. It was a very heavy space. And I would go outside early in the morning and take my cup of coffee and just sit in the garden. And it was not a very big space. And those moments would just really connect my heart and my soul to the things that Jesus had for me that day and would refresh and I thought a song and just breathe. And I think the cortisol levels that happen within a garden are so soothing. It doesn't have to be blooming and beautiful. It can be completely a mess. But going out with the dirt and going out with plants. It's just something that kind of revives it really, that's, I think when I took away the perfection of needing it to do something for me. Then all of a sudden, I started realizing it was doing something for me.

Tara Faulmann  08:52
That's good. That's good. Wait, I felt like I could apply that to a lot of things. And if I give up the perfection of what I think it should be doing for me, I realized that actually is already doing a lot for me, who I felt that was good. So you were using it as a way to connect with your son. You were using it as a way to connect with yourself and with God. And with what his plans were for you in life. You were using it as a way to also maybe connect with the gardening itself and learning that skill and overcoming obstacle is all the things that come with it.

Absolutely. And I think the obstacle thing was a huge one. Seeing things successful in the garden when I had a really bad day was such a great feeling. And seeing things that failed in the garden and saying I'm okay. I have a garden and it's not supposed to be perfect is always kind of working on my heart saying and releasing and As a homeschooling mom, I needed to release a lot.

Tara Faulmann  10:04
There is a lot of moms who listen to the show and a lot of homeschool moms who listen to shift to this show. So we can definitely relate to the idea of like creating a quiet space, even if it's outside in the yard.

And I have to say my kids were involved with the growing and the harvesting. And that was super fun, and they ate more healthy vegetables. I mean, there's so many benefits in the garden that I'm sure we'll talk about. But I think the biggest thing for me was that sometimes my kids didn't want to be in the dirt. And they left mommy alone. So now when I garden, I live in a much bigger space to garden. We live in Northern California versus Southern California. And my autistic son now goes out with me for 10 Min, 20 minutes out to the garden. And he just stands there and talks and talks and talks and he talks his heart out because he can he knows that mommy is listening. And mommy is working in the garden. And it's

Tara Faulmann  11:01
I can't explain the directions. I'm paying attention. Yeah,

I can't explain it. So when I'm out there by myself, it's beautiful. When I'm out there with one of my kids, one of my kids always finds me in the garden. Mm hmm. And they come and talk in the garden.

Tara Faulmann  11:17
Mm hmm. It's a good, I was just talking with a friend. And you know, our kids are getting older and our oldest son are getting their license. And she's saying that she what she misses the most about her kid is that he's driving himself and she doesn't get to have the car talks anymore. And I was like, oh, no, I didn't actually think about that. But maybe I could just transfer them into garden talks instead. Right? That would be the space now.

Yeah, as a reading specialist, the best time to read is when your kids are doing the dishes and you do a read aloud, even when they're 14 1516. The research behind that is so strong, that you keep connected with the read alouds with your older kids while they're doing chores.

Tara Faulmann  12:01
Oh, I find that for sure. It's true with my 13 year old he sits there and fidgets and does whatever while I read to him, he retains way more that way. Mm hmm.

It's so true. So the garden can be the new read aloud. Yeah. The new fidget spinner. Yeah. Oh, even all that dirt, all this soil? Yeah, definitely great sense.

Tara Faulmann  12:18
And so I know, like, just health wise, I don't know if this is something that you've ever looked into. But I do know that when you dig in the dirt, and when you get your hands in the dirt, actually, the microbes that are released into the air that you breathe are extremely good for you and good for your gut.

Totally. There, there are just so many health benefits. I think, as I've been teaching this 12 week gardening class to students, I see the parents and the kids start working together, maybe for the first time on plants and plants and how things work and how things grow and the miracle of life, and putting their hands in the soil with their parents. There's such a connection with that. And like I said before, the cortisol levels. So it's been really fun to watch the end of a family's experience of growing a garden in 12 weeks. And being able to say we've done this, you know, what am I we made? One of my past students started crying because she's like, wait a minute, we're not going to see you every week. But your garden and your mom will be there. Yeah, and you got it, you're gonna keep growing. And it's even better than seeing me. You guys get to see something being produced and life happening. Yeah,

Tara Faulmann  13:38
I love it. I love that. What a What an awesome way to still be able to connect and, and not even when your kids are younger, like I can see my kids are 15 and 13. And I can 100% see us out there doing that together still. And it's a family project. It is a life skill.

It's a very needed life skill. And that could be a whole entire other podcast, quite honestly.

Tara Faulmann  14:03
For like a survival show of like we're going but I agree. Right? You need to be able to grow your own food. That is a skill that you need to have. Yeah, even if it's just a little bit and even just from a health standpoint, anything that you grow in your own garden is going to be better for you than something that you bought at the store.

Now Absolutely. And the cost of produce right now the cost of herbs all going up has been skyrocketing where I'm I'm walking out to my garden right now and grabbing a bowl and cutting leaves and having a salad every day. I'm having to

Tara Faulmann  14:39
ask a question then because you're in California Lucky you. I'm in cold, wet, snowy, rainy Washington. That's cloudy all the time for this Parsh portion of the year. Do you how do you help people like us? Who don't have great weather?

Literally possible so you do protectors? You do you You're gonna have instead of a plant cloth and hoops to protect your produce or your, your plants when the weather gets under 35 degrees and freezing, you're gonna go ahead and have plastic. Okay, so like little greenhouses, it's a mini greenhouse over hoops, totally cheap. You should see some of my friends in New Jersey and in other places who are growing greens, and lettuces, and spinach is all winter long. Okay, and it is cold there. So

Tara Faulmann  15:30
my husband's pretty resourceful. I bet he could whip that up in no time.

Yeah, I mean, I that's even though we're I live in Northern California, it only gets freezes. Maybe we've had like four freeze nights. And we will continue to have like maybe four to five a month. That's not very many. But I go ahead and use plant cloth. So for those of your listeners who are in a gardening zone, where it is 35 degrees and colder, then you definitely want plastic over the hood. Okay, if it's above 35 degrees, you can use plant cloth. If you're like in LA, you don't need anything. You don't need anything lucky. Yeah, I still use black cloth. I definitely have it. And I have examples of that on my Instagram too. Okay.

Tara Faulmann  16:15
Okay, fantastic. Okay, what other tips can you give us for getting going and some gardening?

Well, I have a really great tip, and I can't wait to share it with you. I say start simple, right, start simple, don't go big. Don't say okay, build three beds and go for it. Start with the one bed. That's my first tip. Second tip is location, the location of your future garden needs to be in the sun for six hours or more direct sun during the summer, and four to six hours in the fall or the spring. Now this is crucial. And this is probably the number one thing I see with my clients is they've put their garden spot on spot. So number one thing is location

Tara Faulmann  17:01
I look for so it's location, location, location, for everything.

The second thing is definitely the soil. With your soil having great organic matter, I always test my soil, I do a soil test

Tara Faulmann  17:14
from already lost me, I don't know how to do that or what that means.

So so I love it. I love. Okay, so I just I buy a kit off amazon for like 30 bucks, okay. And in that little kit, I place a little bit of soil for my different garden beds, I send it in, they give me back a computerized everything of all the nutrients that my soil like a blood test, but for your soil quickly. And then they tell you where to find it if you want to go organic, or if you don't, if you want to do synthesize stuff. I like organic because that's what I'm going to be eating and putting in my body. Yeah. The third part of I call it the simple gardening method. And that's what I teach through each of my of my courses. Okay, so location first number two, soil. Number three is watering being consistent. If you can possibly get a watering system out with a timer, best thing ever. But no matter what being consistent. And the fourth part is definitely the timing of the plants to your temperature. And I think this is the biggest key. Yeah, and the biggest help. For anyone who's starting out gardening, and probably the biggest frustration, I had a family that said, we're going to plant a tomato plant, and it was fall in Sacramento. And I was like, you guys don't want to plant a tomato plan. And they went ahead and Don't

Tara Faulmann  18:40
set yourself up for failure. No,

tomatoes only like to live in 65 to 85 degrees. So what you need to know is what your highest temperature is of the month and what your lowest average temperature is of every month. And I have lists on my website that give you planting plans that tell you the different vegetables that go with those average temperatures. So taking a quick look. Yeah, then you can always be successful, like seriously,

Tara Faulmann  19:13
because if the right stuff in the ground at the right time, because for the season that it likes.

That's right.

Tara Faulmann  19:20
I don't know anything about that. I could definitely need that.

I have one more amazing tip for beginners here. So I always start with herbs when I'm teaching because herbs are so forgiving. And if you forget to water, they're gonna still keep living most okay. And if you have them in a uncertainty spot, they still are great and they'll just keep going. Okay, so the herbs I would recommend everyone to try for their homeschooling day or their family day or their their own time of gardening is a mitt plant. Oh, yeah, yeah,

Tara Faulmann  19:54
I can grab, grab likes to live a permit. Any of those mentors are We'll, we'll survive

does and which is what I need. And the medicinal properties of meant are like, crazy amazing. And I thought

Tara Faulmann  20:11
what do you what are all the things that you use you're meant for, like just made some mint

tea. So I'm drinking that from freshman tea, super easy and the medicinal properties that come are they help it helps with stomach upsets, improves digestion combats the common cold or flu. It improves mental awareness, which I'm always wanting for myself. It reduces stress, and it promotes healthy hair and skin. That's just a few of the things that you could provide your body by having one mid plants and you

Tara Faulmann  20:42
could throw it in your own yard, not even your yard, you could just put it in a pot, right?

I would only So tip number one. Yeah, cuz it spreads, right? Oh, we put it in a pot. Yeah, it was spread, like it'll even spread through the holes. Tip number two, pick a huge pot, because the roots need the space and that little mid plant may look really tiny.

Tara Faulmann  21:04
Just pick a big pot underground, there's a lot going on.

And then go ahead and make sure there's holes in the pot.

Tara Faulmann  21:11
If there's no like the sides of it.

In the bottom, make sure that there's holes and if there's not holes, and it's like a plastic pot pot, you can drill holes in it. Okay, but it needs to let all the water out and so that the roots aren't like little soggy, wet socks. You would hate to where right? Okay, would have a chance to dry out. And once you have that you've got a mint plant that you can have fresh mint tea and how I make freshmen tea. No, yes, please. Okay, so I just take off a couple sprigs of mint. And then I put it in hot water seep it for 10 minutes, I'll put stevia or honey in it. And then I'll either drink it hot. Or I'll put ice cubes and have it nice and cold in the summer. My kids love that.

Tara Faulmann  21:59
So or even like make ice tea with like freshman water that you just made. That's it You just made or like cucumbers and mint or strawberries and mint. You could go crazy. Oh my gosh. Yeah. And I have read before that Mint is good for all of those things that you said, including digestion. So drinking it. Okay, that's the what? See, this is why I like to talk to people like you because it's so simple. But so out of my brain, I would never have thought of doing it or making all those things. I don't know why it seems obvious.

I created a course that has five videos with downloads that help you know how to plant five different herbs. And those five different herbs are perennials that will last you. And I've also shown how to do fresh, like herb tea or how to dry it and make dried herbs.

Tara Faulmann  22:54
So grow the herbs and then actually how to use the thing that you grew.

Yes. I love it. Mint is one of those that I share and show more extensively in the course. And I'm offering that course to you guys for a very discounted price

Tara Faulmann  23:09
of fantastic. How do we get that? So you're

going to go on my website, and you're going to look for growing herbal, your own herbal tea that will last you a year course. And go ahead and put in the code Tara

Tara Faulmann  23:28
or a Tara get your discount?

Yes, absolutely.

Tara Faulmann  23:32
Oh my gosh, that is so fun. Thank you for that first of all, yeah, also just I love because I know you said start small like don't make it too big. Don't make it too complicated. That seems like the perfect place to start with me and with my kids. And then really creating that connection between here's what I'm growing and then here's how I actually can use that in my life.

Yeah. For my herb garden, some of the or some some of the things that I use with my garden is I make my own tinctures. I make my own infused oils. I make all my own teas. So there's such an awesome direction of places and things that you can do and I don't like complicated. So for me to do it I've got probably about 50 Different tinctures and I use them in different realms and different reasons. Actually give a tincture to my little guy to be able to sleep at night Kamiya

Tara Faulmann  24:28
of stuff of chamomile that you grew. Yeah. Oh my gosh. You know what's funny? I have actually bought a bag of like dried camp right like from my naturopath like de terre you could have grown there. So

you can use that to start that would be a great starting space.

Tara Faulmann  24:47
So you can take the herbs that you grew and then you can make I mean how many tinctures have I bought from my own

natural so that's what started my pathway was said my Little guy needed Rosemary tincture for a bacteria cleaning out. And I'm like, I've got rosemary in the backyard. So I looked it up how to make and I made my own tincture. And then I started following a Christian herbalist who is phenomenal. And so I started taking her courses and learning and it was so simple, I have not stopped on my own,

Tara Faulmann  25:23
you know what I love, it's like a, it's like a lost art, this, this growing things and then making things out of that. And we've become so reliant on just going to the store and grabbing this, or oh, I can buy this online. But right, I don't like to be doom and gloom. But we are sort of in this period of time, where it would behoove us and be in our best interest to be able to create some of these things ourselves and understand the power of food, and the power of these food based medicines. Every drug that we take is actually a product of a food based medicine that they've taken the tiny part out of it and made it into a drug. So if we can harness that ourselves from something we actually grew, I mean, wow, amazing.

Absolutely. Something that it does when I go outside, and I harvest chamomile flowers, or I harvest parsley, or I take a ton of my oregano, because I'm going to do dried oregano, because I have that stored up for over a year, you know, something that happens to my soul is I slow down as I'm cutting as I'm deciding which leaves to take or what flour to pluck, or it slows my whole system down and my heart down. And then if I'm drying those things to use for later, like chamomile tea, or usually chamomile tea, then it takes me another set of slowing down to put those things in a drying rack or to set those out in my dry garage. Or it takes me another moment. And then it takes me a moment to gather everything and put it together. And the act of doing all three of those things from harvesting, to preserving to storing it does something for my soul. It makes me say I can slow down and I'm worth

Tara Faulmann  27:31
it. And appreciate. Yeah, yeah.

No one else sees me doing this. Yes, is just for me. But it's not about them. It's just about you. Yeah, yeah, it's a great it's a great healthy space to be I Gosh,

Tara Faulmann  27:45
you have in the span of this podcast managed to completely reframe my entire thought about gardening and my capability to do it. And the value in doing it I am come I'm hooked, I'm in tell me all the things. Well, I am so

excited to hear that because that's my heart is to help moms who are super busy to have one step done for them. So the courses that I have on my website are steps that are done for you, it's to make your journey easier. And one way I have that is a 12 week course that I offer as an evergreen that you can buy at any time. It's simple gardening methods with kids, and it is on my website at the very top. And it also comes with a zoom component that I would highly, highly recommend because

Tara Faulmann  28:39
you so you're like the coach you're coaching us through.

Every week I show up, I have quizzes for the kids out loud, they love to compete with each other and know the answers to what happened the week before. And it gives parents and kids a chance to have questions that they have that are coming up what happens when you see this green thing or my plants are getting holes, and I get to share with them exactly what's going on. And they come back the next week and said we found that caterpillar, we found what you were talking about. So I offer that class on in March for the spring garden. And it fall for the fall garden. And I'm also going to be offering classes on out school. So I'll be doing different types of classes on our school that all are with gardening. So if that makes it easier for you to help you and your kids get into gardening. That's awesome. The website like Tara said has a lot of different articles and freebies, that kind of can step you in to what it looks like to garden and to do it in a way that's not going to overwhelm you. And then please take my offer as the gift for the amazing course that I'm putting out on growing your own herbal tea for the year. You could save a lot of money if you could grow your own tea and grow your own and it In that course, there are medicinal reasons for using the five herbs that I chose. So you can get to know and not be overwhelmed, but go into space that you can have your own tea. And remember, the code is Terra. And so check that out.

Tara Faulmann  30:14
Your website is Crete my That's it. And I want I know, there's a lot of homeschool moms that listen to this show. And as you're thinking about curriculum for your kids, I think this could be a really great addendum to your curriculum. Think of it as biology. Think of it as your science course. What a really awesome way not only to connect with your kids, but also to enhance their homeschool education. This is something they're not going to get into public school. So if you even do have public school kids, still a great identify them to their education. Because it is a life skill, like you said, and not only is it a life skill, but it's a great way to connect.

Yeah, in the state standards in California, these life skills of growing things is an absolutely every grade. So you can actually hit some major standards by using this course I did that on purpose. Yeah, so

Tara Faulmann  31:11
my kids are in high school, I could use this as an elective, absolute ID on their high school transcript as an elective.

Absolutely. It's a great way to go. And you're teaching them a life skill that will be with them forever, that can never be taken away.

Tara Faulmann  31:25
Yeah, that's so cool. I love it. I love what you're doing. I just love it. And you're the only one I've seen who is doing something like this too, which is so fun.

I so appreciate being on here because I just would love to reach more people and be able to share those steps into health and to gardening into finding yourself.

Tara Faulmann  31:45
I love it. I hope you're ready. Because I think a lot of people are grabbing,

you bring them on. I'm

Tara Faulmann  31:50
ready. Alicia, thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate you taking the time to talk with us and sharing your passion and sharing your heart. You're someone who just in our short time getting to know each other. I just appreciate how open and honest and giving you always are. And I know that that will shine through in your courses as well. So again, if you want to get a hold of all of this stuff, create my Your code for the herb garden course is Tara T Ara, all of that will be linked in the show notes.

Any last words for us? I am excited to see people being able to garden in the 1940s 40% of American families had a garden at tiny little four by four gardening that sustained those families and America through all the wars. Today. The percentage is point zero 1% of Americans. Gardens. Yeah. And so one of my goals is to see that go up to 40 50%, then we would have self sustaining homes that would be able to know that they can provide some food every day for their family.

Tara Faulmann  33:08
Awesome. What an amazing goal. I am here for it. Let's do it. Thank you so so much. I think we'll probably talk to you again. We'll have you back and we'll talk about all the new things you're working on. I'm sure there's more. There's always more. That sounds great, I think Awesome. Thank you so much. Talk to you soon. Okay, bye bye.

Tara Faulmann  33:34
Hey, friends, thanks so much for being here. If you found value in today's episode, will you do me a favor and head over to iTunes? Find the no nonsense wellness podcast and subscribe and leave me a review. It would mean the world to me and help other people find the show. And I'd love to connect with you more. So find me on Instagram. I'm @tarafaulmann. Take a screenshot of this episode and share it in your stories and tag me. I'll see you over there.

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