
Quick Tip Tuesday - Drink That Water!

Quick Tip Tuesday -
Drink That Water!

Quick Tip Tuesday BONUS episode! 
You KNOW you're supposed to drink water. Duh! But do you know the details of how much water, when is best to drink and WHY you should drink it? This episode will give you the quick version of how to hydrate and my top tips for staying that way.  Cheers!

Full transcription available at the bottom of this post

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Show Notes: 

Info on the electrolyte supplement that I take, go HERE

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Full Transcript: 
 Welcome back to the No Nonsense Wellness Podcast. I'm so happy you're hearing me today, I have another quick tip Tuesday here for you, and our tip today is about water, there are three things that I really wanna talk to you really quickly about water, how much to drink, when to drink it, and why you're drinking it... And I guarantee you some of this you have not heard before, so stay tuned before I dive into that, I just wanna remind you really quick of two things, you haven't joined our community group, that's where all the conversations will be happening, and you can ask all the questions, head over to community, no nonsense wellness dot com and get yourself signed up, it's free, and also if you have not subscribed and reviewed on iTunes, that's how this podcast gets out to the world, how we get to share no nonsense wellness with everyone. So if you're gonna hop over, they're really fast and subscribe and leave a quick review, I would absolutely adore you for it. Okay, let's dive into our tips about water, so first, we wanna talk about how much water now, this tip you may have heard, but just in case, 'cause I'm always surprised by who hasn't heard this or doesn't know how much water to drink every day...

Every day, you should be consuming half your body weight in ounces of water, and I'm gonna say at least half your body weight in ounces of water, so for example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you are going to be drinking at minimum 70 ounces of water per day, so think of that number as just your baseline, that's your must hit every day at your body weight, and that goes for kids too, you're gonna be drinking more than half your body weight if it's hot, if you're doing strenuous activity, you're working out, you're sweating a lot you're in a hotter Asana, anything that's going to make you sweat more, you're gonna be... Wanna want to drink more water than half your body weight, so it is a game that you're playing with your water, but that's kind of your baseline. Half your body weight in ounces. Okay, the second little piece, and I'm gonna be real honest, this is slightly controversial, so if you actually go and look this up, and I always encourage you to look stuff up, you're gonna find a mixed reviews on this, but I'm just gonna tell you what I think and what I do, and then you can take it or leave it.

And it's when you drink your water, so you should be... I don't like to use the word should, but you should be drinking water throughout the day, little sips, not chug, and I'm gonna tell you the reason why in a second, when we talk about why you're drinking water, but spreading that water consumption throughout the day is gonna be best for you. Now, I was not always great at doing that, I often would find myself busy, I'm doing this, I'm doing that, I'm doing all the things, and I'm not drinking water, and then I realize like, Oh, oh, I'm so thirsty, and then I just chug it. Usually, that chugging would happen around a meal time and I would find myself with a lot of indigestion and just like digestive discomfort, if you will. A while back, I had talked to my natural path about it, and he advised that I don't drink so much water when I'm eating... Now, if you look up this idea, don't drink water while you're eating, you will find some places that say there's no science that supports that, there's no study that supports it... That's not entirely true. There are several studies of patients with GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disorder, you'll know what, if you have it, there have been some studies with people with GERD that actually show that when they drink too much fluids with their meal, they actually have that acid reflux.

 It's a trigger for them. So those people with GERD are advised to not drink too much liquid with their food... Well, it stands to reason that if you don't have GERD, but you might have some digestive discomfort, maybe that same advice would work for you and it did for me, so my natural path advice that I should drink water throughout the day and then with my meal only have a glass of water and not huge, 'cause what I was doing was I would take some bites of food and then I would get really thirsty 'cause I was dehydrated and hadn't had enough water yet, and then I would Chug Water during the middle of my meal and then I would keep eating and then I wouldn't feel good, I would be kind of reflex and just not great, so not doing that anymore actually really helped some of my digestive disorders and distress, so that's piece number two, when you're drinking your water, drink it throughout the day and don't chug with your meals. See if you can start to stick to a glass of water during your meal, what that's going to require of you is to not go into that meal being super dehydrated.

The other thing that you wanna think about is advice that you have probably been given is before you eat it, great, before you eat chugging water, and then you'll eat less calories, right. 'cause your stomach will be full of water and then you don't have any room for food. Well, that's a little counter-intuitive, because what we're ultimately trying to do is have a good read on what's happening in our body, right, if I'm artificially filling my stomach with water so that I can't fill it with food, well, then I'm probably maybe not eating enough food, and then I'm going to in an hour or to be hungry again because I did not get enough, so I don't want to go into my meal with a full stomach of water when you're learning how to navigate what your body is actually telling you. You will hear advice and you'll hear it from me, if you think your hungry drinks of water, 'cause maybe you're just thirsty, that does not mean right before you eat, chug a bunch of water with the intention that you will then eat less calories. Those are two very different pieces of advice with two very different outcomes and intentions, so the advice still stands, if you're not sure if you're hungry drinks and water, 'cause maybe you're thirsty, the advice does not stand to reason, chug a bunch of water before you eat, so that you eat less calories, it's not gonna be great advice, and it's probably gonna cause you some digestive distress, okay, so that's when to drink your water, and the third piece is why you're drinking your water, when we say that you want to stay hydrated, what we're actually saying is not how much fluid you are consuming, what really matters is how much water is getting into your cells...

That's a big difference. So if I think about it in terms of fluid getting into myself, if I chug a bunch of water at one time, I cannot use all that water at one time, if I'm sipping water throughout the day, I'm keeping myself nicely hydrated. If it all comes in at once, I can't get all of that into myself everywhere, and so the... And what do I do? I usually end up just peeing it out, right, that's why you gotta be all day, but if I am well hydrated and I'm staying hydrated throughout the day, then my cells are staying hydrated and Hydrated cells function more effectively, they function better for your metabolism, they're better... Little energy powerhouses. If you're talking about wrinkles and skin, if you want your tells of your skin to stay plump and young-looking, you gotta keep them hydrated, and that happens from the inside out as well, be outside if... So staying hydrated can actually be one of the best anti-ages because I'm keeping my cells plump and hydrated, I'm keeping that metabolism and going strong, I'm keeping those skin cells looking plump and happy and smoothing out my wrinkles, hydration is so key to every bodily process.

So the other piece of advice I'll give you here is, I at least once a day, I'm adding electrolytes to my water.
So I personally have a 32 ounce water bottle, I drink about three of those a day more or sometimes slightly less, depending on what I got going on, and in at least one of those bottles, I am putting an electrolyte supplement into it, an electrolyte supplement, literally is just minerals, because I have specific minerals because those minerals are what's helping that cell barrier accept more water, so it has to do a member with a little bit of chemistry and a little bit of physics, but for water to penetrate into that self, it needs these mineral carriers. And so adding electrolytes really helps me with that balance between mineral and water in my body so that my cells are staying optimally hydrated, so if electrolyte supplements is not something that you have tried before, I would recommend that you give it a shot, most of them are pretty safe for most people, again, and you kind of supplement you're taking... You always wanna clear with your doctor, but electrolyte supplements in general are pretty safe for most people if you are drinking or eating a really high salt diet, if that's something that you might not need, but in general, my diet is a little less salty.
Some people don't even use electrolyte supplements, they literally just take shots of Himalayan salt, or drink a shot of salt water in the morning, that's a thing that people do too... I prefer my yummy electrolytes, but whatever, whatever floating with using some electrolytes might be something that you wanna try as well, when you are looking at an electric supplement, please place. Please only look at the ones that do not have a lot of sugar, that do not have any artificial sweeteners, like as for teams and things like that, find ones that don't have artificial colors, artificial flavors, all that artificial chemically junk. It's literally just minerals, you can take them as a pill, you could take them as a powder, you can add 'em to your water, there's lots of ways to take them, and I'll link the one that I take so that you can see if that's one that you'd wanna try... So there you have it, there's your water again, to recap the three tips, you wanna make sure that you're drinking that water throughout the day, at least half your body weight in ounces. Every single day. That's your baseline again. That's good for kids too.

I want my kids to stay hydrated, especially when they're running around and playing sports, when you drink your water is important, don't hug before and during meals, you wanna give that stomach asset the very best chance it has to do its job. So if you're having some digestive discomfort, that's a super simple place to start, just drink less fluid with your meal and see if that helps. And third tip was just to make sure that you understand the idea of why you're drinking water is not to hydrate your body, but it's literally to hydrate your cells, your cells are where all the action happens, it's where your metabolism lives, and it's how you make your skin glow, your cells are where it's important to get that water, so that's why we're drinking water throughout the day because we really wanna keep those cells hydrated at all times, and lastly, add some electrolytes to one of those servings of water a day to see if that is something that maybe you're missing, makes you feel better, gives you a little more energy... Okay guys, there you have it. There's my top tips for water on this Quick Tip Tuesday, thanks for being here with me.

Don't forget to tune in on Friday for our next big episode, it's gonna be a good one. You don't wanna miss it, so I will talk to you then. And till then my friend, be Well.

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